Wm Ash
65 Acres of Land & Imp.
2 Horses, 3 Horned Cattle
6 Tea Spoons
Mathew Ash
125 Acres of Land & Imp.
2 Horses, 4 Horned Cattle
6 Tea Spoons
John Anderson
Abigail Ash
100 Acres of Land & Imp.
1 Horse, 3 Horned Cattle
6 Tea Spoons, Riding Chair
Joseph Bonsall
130 Acres of Land & Imp.
7 Horses, 8 Horned Cattle
6 Tea Spoons, Saw Mill
Jonathan Bonsall
105 Acres of Land & Imp.
3 Horses, 7 Horned Cattle
8 Tea Spoons
John Brooks
50 Acres of Land & Imp.
3 Horses, 3 Horned Cattle
6 Tea Spoons
Benjamin Brannon
167 Acres of Land & Imp.
4 Horses, 7 Horned Cattle
5 Tea Spoons
Mary Bonsall
195 Acres of Land & Imp.
2 Horses, 4 Horned Cattle
12 Tea Spoons
Margaret Bonsall
123 Acres of Land & Imp.
2 Horses, 6 Horned Cattle
Benjamin Bonsall
150 Acres of Land & Imp.
5 Horses, 3 Horned Cattle
1 Riding Chair
Enoch Bonsall
50 Acres of Land & Imp.
2 Horses, 2 Horned Cattle
Benjamin Bartram
214 Acres of Land & Imp.
3 Horses, 6 Horned Cattle
Riding Chair
John Ball
100 Acres of Land & Imp.
2 Horses, 3 Horned Cattle
Thomas Brooks
1 Cow
Joseph Barkley
Irwin Commins
House & Garden
John Dunbar
50 Acres of Land & Imp.
3 Horses, 3 Horned Cattle
John Davis
100 Acres of Land & Imp.
4 Horses, 6 Horned Cattle
6 Tea Spoons
Nathan Davis
200 Acres of Land & Imp.
3 Horses, 7 Horned Cattle
1 Riding Chair
Abner Evans
20 Acres of Land & Imp.
2 Horses, 2 Horned Cattle
Jonathan Evans
40 Acres & Imp., 1 House
3 Horned Cattle
Job Evans
20 Acres of Land & Imp.
2 Horses, 3 Horned Cattle
1 Saw Mill
E Earl
7 Acres of Land & Imp.
1 Horse, 1 Cow
Thomas Edwards
1 Cow
Evan Evans
John Farmer
32 Acres of Land
1 Horse, 1 Cow

Oborn Garrett, John Garrett

17 Acres , 146 Acres of Land, House & Garden

5 Horses, 3 Cattle
Riding Chair
Nathaniel Garrett Jr.
187 Acres of Land & Imp.
4 Horses, 7 Horned Cattle
Cream Cup, 1 Riding Chair
Nathan Garrett
10 Acres of Land
2 Horses, 2 Cattle
, 1 Four Wheel Sha
Thomas Garrett
220 Acres of Land & Imp.
6 Horses, 6 Horned Cattle
6 Tea & 6 Table Spoons
John Hibbard
70 Acres of Land & Imp.
2 Cattle
Isaac Hibbard
164 Acres of Land & Imp.
3 Horses, 8 Horned Cattle
6 Tea Spoons, Riding Chair
Hezekiah Hibbard
125 Acres of Land & Imp.
5 Horses, 6 Horned Cattle
1 Riding Chair
Sarah Harmon
230 Acres of Land & Imp.
3 Horses, 4 Horned Cattle
1 Riding Chair
Lawrence Howard
51 Acres of Land & Imp.
John Hays
4 Acres of Land & Imp.
1 Horse, 1 Cow
6 Tea Spoons
Richard Hays
1 Horse
Jos. Hanedy
House & Garden
John Jones
1 Acre of Land & Imp.
1 Horse, 1 Cow
4 Table Spoons
Sam. Kirk
50 Acres of Land & Imp.
2 Horses, 2 Cattle
Isaac Kirk
45 Acres of Land & Imp.
1 Horse, 1 Cow
Wm. Kimbel
Isaac Lobb
365 Acres of Land & Imp.
4 Horses, 10 Horned Cattle
Jacob Lobb
15 Acres of Land & Imp.
1 Horse, 1 Cow
Charles Lloyd
20 Acres of Land & Imp.
1 Cow
Benjamin Lobb
86 Acres of Land & Imp.
2 Cattle
Anthony Lewis
5 Acres of Land & House
1 Horse, 4 Horned Cattle
Abraham Lewis
144 Acres of Land
4 Horses, 7 Horned Cattle
Peterman Lewis
40 Acres of Land & Imp.
2 Horses, 2 Cattle
Wm. Lewis
75 Acres of Land & Imp.
4 Horses, 2 Cattle
6 Tea Spoons
Samuel Lewis Jr.
40 Acres of Land & Imp.
3 Horses, 3 Horned Cattle
Grist Mill, 1 Riding Chair
Charles Leonard
House & Lot
Samuel Lewis
140 Acres of Land
1 Horse & 1 Cow
1 Paper Mill
Joshua Lewis
Thomas Lewis
20 Acres of Land
George Mase
Robert McClennan
130 Acres of Land & Imp.
3 Horses, 6 Horned Cattle
James McCollough
1 Horse & 1 Cow
Thomas Marshall
4 Acres of Land & Imp.
1 Horse, 2 Cattle
6 Tea Spoons
James Marshall
9 Acres of Land & Imp.
4 Horses, 3 Cattle
James Moor
100 Acres of Land & Imp.
6 Horses, 5 Horned Cattle
5 Tea Spoons
Abraham Musgrove
100 Acres of Land & Imp.
2 Horses, 4 Horned Cattle
1 Riding Chair
William Moor
1 Cow
Wm. Nelson
House & Lot
1 Cow
Wm. West
167 Acres of Land & Imp.
3 Horses, 8 Horned Cattle
Joshua Williamson
House & Garden
1 Cow
James Williamson
1 Horse, 2 Cattle
Benjamin Yard
1 Horse, 2 Cattle
Andrew Lippet
Jonathan Smith
Isaac Hibbard Jr.
1 Horse
Jonathan Pennell
John Briant
Joseph Hibbard
Samuel Smith Jr.
Jesse Williamson
Jonathan Owen
Christopher Teal
John Hibbard Jr.
Lawrence Lown
Robert Dunbar
Thomas Lewis
Mordicai Lewis
John Connley
John Dolon
John Parlow
John Dunlap
Thomas Kirk
John Kirk
Eleander Forge
John George
James George
Robert Steel
Aaron Marshall
William Marshall
Enoch Bonsall Jr.
Joseph Ball
Robert Thomas
John M
John Varnon
Henry Hoops
Benjamin West
Johnson Kelley
John Ball
Joseph Brady

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©COPYRIGHT 2007 Delaware County (PA) History. All artwork and content on this site belongs to Historian Keith Lockhart. None of
the artwork or content are permitted to be reproduced or used without the written permission of Keith Lockhart. Please e-mail Keith with
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