William Brooks
98 Acres Land
2 Horses, 6 Cattle
William Burn
20 Acres Land
Jonathan Buckman
229 Acres Land
3 Horses, 4 Cattle
Frank Biddle
150 Acres Land
3 Horses, 3 Cattle
John Barr
84 Acres Land
1 Horse, 1 Cow
Thomas Brook
25 Acres Land
2 Horses, 2 Cattle
1 Grist Mill
Mordecai Lewis
99 Acres Land
2 Horses, 1 Cow
George Bonsall
10 Acres Land
1 Horse
Abner Cornog
85 Acres Land
2 Horses, 4 Cattle
Benjamin Bevan
12 Acres Land
3 Horses, 4 Cattle
John Cornogg
44 Acres Land
John Cornogg
41 Acres Land
Lewis Davis
15 Acres Land
1 Horse, 1 Cow
1 Riding Chair
Joseph Davis
140 Acres Land
3 Horses, 6 Cattle
1 Tanyard
Jesse Davis
50 Acres Land
2 Horses, 2 Cattle
William Davis
50 Acres Land
Griffith Davis
73 Acres Land
2 Horses, 1 Cow
John Davis
1 House & Lot
Jonathan Ellis
71 Acres Land
2 Horses, 4 Cattle
Jesse Ellis
77 Acres Land
1 Horse, 3 Cattle
Sarah Ellis
73 Acres Land
2 Horses, 4 Cattle
Humphrey Ellis
House & Lot
1 Horse, 1 Cow
1 Fulling Mill
Rudolph Epright
House & Lot
1 Cow
John Epright
House & Lot
1 Cow
John Free & Michael Fimple
121 Acres Land
3 Horses, 3 Cattle
Richard Field
22 Acres Land
1 Horse, 1 Cow
Samuel Gracy
110 Acres Land
2 Horses, 4 Cattle
Howard Hughes
100 Acres Land
2 Horses, 2 Cattle
George Hanorth
50 Acres Land
1 Horses, 2 Cattle
Richard Humphrey
1 Lot of ground
Samuel Lewis
73 Acres Land
2 Horses, 2 Cattle
Nathaniel Jones
60 Acres Land
5 Horses, 3 Cattle
1 Saw Mill
Aaron Johnson
145 Acres Land
3 Horses, 2 Cattle
William Johnson
73 Acres Land
2 Horses, 2 Cattle
2 Servants
Thomas Terry
House & Lot
1 Horse, 1 Cow
Richard Tippen
House & Lot
3 Horses, 3 Cattle
Johnson Vaughan
24 Acres Land
Richard Willing Esq.
337 Acres Land
4 Horses, 6 Cattle
2 Servants
Riding Chair, 57 oz. Plate
Caspar Weast
195 Acres Land
3 Horses, 5 Cattle
Obadiah Wildey
117 Acres Land
2 Horses, 3 Cattle
Felix Washung
160 Acres Land
3 Horses, 10 Cattle
Martin Wise
114 Acres Land
2 Horses, 4 Cattle
Benjamin Yard
110 Acres Land
3 Horses, 3 Cattle
Benjamin Dickerson
200 Acres Land
4 Horses, 6 Cattle
Benjamin Bevan
William Quinn
John Haworth
Samuel McClure
John Roberts
Andrew Fradrick
Adam Litzenberg
Jacob Litzenberg
Simon Litzenberg Jr
Lewis Pennell
Daniel Mc Eroy
Jonathan Heacock
Jonathan Ellis
John Moore
John Stephens
John Fimple
Jacob Vaughan
Joshua Vaughan
Edward Leedom
John Leedom
Isaac Brooke
William Llewelyn
Enos Helms
Richard Hennebery
George Bonsall

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