William Parker
House & 134 Acres, 8 Acres Improved Marsh Meadows
4 Horses, 7 Cattle & 6 Sheep
1 Servant
Isaac Paschall
House & 130 Acres
4 Horses & 10 Cattle
Practitioner in Physick
Isaac Pearson
74 Acres Land, 6 Acres Marsh Meadow
3 Horses & 3 Cattle
Isaac Pearson
70 Acres Land
John Hunt
House & 75 Acres Land
4 Horses & 6 Cattle
1 Servant Girl
Joseph Bonsall
House & 71 Acres, 4 Acres improved Marsh Meadow
3 Horses, 4 Cattle & 10 Sheep
Joseph Bunting
House & 1210 Acres Land
5 Horses, 11 Cattle & 17 Sheep
1 Servant
John Rudolph
House and 69 Acres, 25 Acres Woodland, 40 Acres Cultivated, Rents 130 Acres of Bartrams Land
3 Horses & 2 Cattle
John Pearson
House & 2 Lotts, 18 Acres Cultivated Land
2 Cattle
Hannah Pearson
House & 39 Acres Land
2 Horses & 4 Cattle
John Wilkinson
House & 26 Acres
1 Hourse & 2 Cattle
1 Negro Woman
Jacob Webber
House & 24 Acres Land, 4 Acres Marsh in Grass, 8 Acres Marsh in Bank
2 Horses & 2 Cattle
Joseph Fordham
House & Lot rented from Ezekiah Hibbard, 4 Acres Cultivated Land
2 Horses & 1 Cow
Hannah Wood
House & Lott in Darby
1 Cow
Rents fr. Pearson Estate
Mary Humphery
House, Lott & 6 Acres Land
1 Cow
Issac Lloyd
3 Horses & 4 Cattle
Grist Mill, Singleman
Hugh Davis
House & 18 Acres Uncultivated Land
1Horse & 1 Cow
Fulling Mill, Singleman
Enoch Elliot
House & 189 Acres Cultivated, 8 Acres Marsh Meadow, 78 Acres Uncultivated Land
5 Horses, 25 Cattle
9 Negros
Edward Ellis
House & 134 Acres Land
4 Horses, 3 Cattle
2 Brown Servants
William Thorn
House & 70 Acres Cultivated Land
3 Horses, 2 Cattle
1 Servant
Owen Afflick
130 Acres Land with Building
2 Horses, 5 Cattle & 10 Sheep
Arthur Netsilles
House & 50 Acres Land, 4 Acres Marsh Meadow
4 Horses, 4 Cattle & 10 Sheet
1 Negro Man & 2 Negro Girls
George Morton
House & 100 Acres Land, 12 Acres Marsh
3 Horses, 5 Cattle & 10 Sheep
1 Negro Man
Andrew Urian
House & 29 Acres Land, 5 Acres Unimproved Marsh, 3 Acres Marsh
2 Horses, 2 Cattle & 5 Sheep
Mathias Nicorllis
House & 50 Acres Land, 4 Acres Marsh
1 Horse, 3 Cattle & 6 Sheep
Andrew Boon Sr.
House & 50 Acres Land, 6 Acres Marsh
1 Horse & 3 Cattle
Hance Boon
House & 63 Acres Land, 5 Acres Marsh,
2 Horses & 3 Cattle
Joseph Boon
House & 50 Acres Land
3 Horses, 2 Cattle & 6 Sheep
Andrew Culin
House & 78 Acres Land
2 Horses, 4 cattle & 6 Sheep
Israel Longacre
2 Horses, 6 Cattle & 5 Sheep
John Gruber
House & 36 Acres Land
1 Horse & 3 Cattle
Isaac Bonsall
House & 60 Acres Land
2 Horses, 1 Cow & 8 Sheep
George Morton Jr.
House & 8 Acres Land
2 Horses
Mary Trehorn
Laurence Frederick
House & 27 Acres Land, 1 3/4 Acres Marsh
2 Horses, 4 Cattle & 4 Sheep
Morris Tish
Rebecca Boon
4 1/2 Acres Marsh
Frederick Liton
2 Horses, 2 Cows & 3 Sheep
William Linvill
House & 5 Acres Land
1 Horse
Joseph Pearson
House, Lott & Shop
1 Horse & 1 Cow
Isaac Bruce
House & Lott
2 Cows
Jacob Tulinger
House and Lott
1 Cow
Joshua Pearson
House & Lott
Sarah Bonsall
House & 2 Lotts
1 Horse & 2 Cattle
George Righter
Shop & Small Lott
1 Cow
Tobias Morton
House & Lott
1 Horse
Pat Cantels?
House & Lott
1 Cow
Amber of Wilcocks
House & Lott
John Palmer
House & 100 Acres, 30 Uncultivatted Land
7 Horses, 5 Cattle & 13 Sheep
John W. Gullion
Ian Dobbins
3 Horses, 6 Cattle
Sarah Pearson
Elizabeth Cockran
Dank Rice
House & 25 Acres Land, 3 Acres Meadow
2 Horses, 4 Cattle & 3 Sheep
Alese Morren
House & 30 Acres Land
1 Horse & 4 Cattle
Benjamin Urian
House & 20 Acres Land, 10 Acres Marsh
1 Horse, 1 Cow & 2 Sheep
Isaac Deves
2 Horses, 3 cattle & 5 Sheep
William Parker
1 Lott in Darby
Joseph Paulin
John Kelly
William Holm
Pays Lucas Nethermark
1 Horse, 1 Cow & 3 Sheep
John Trapnell
House & Lot rented fr. Han. Wood, 57 Acres Land, 19 Acres Marsh
4 Horses & 19 Cows
1 Malatto Slave
Samuel Bunting
House & 50 Acres Land
James Pearson
Lott In Darby
John Griffith Est
Silas Jones
House & 6 Acres Land
1 Horse & 4 Cattle
Daniel Humphreys
John Paschal, Jr.
Rick Humphrey
Gabrail Longacre
David Daves
Isaac Grant
John Grant
John McCracken
William Ayles
Thomas Truman
Charles Cary
Enoch Davis
Amanda Pearsons
Peter Elliot
John Harris
John Andres
John C
John Conway
Peter Wood
William Slate
Lance Connor Tice
William Couzens
Frederick Wilken
In Landerman
Thomas Shipley
Marsh in Bank
John Bartram
11 Acres in Bank
Garrett Boon
6 Acres in Bank
Peter Matson
3 Acres in Bank

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the artwork or content are permitted to be reproduced or used without the written permission of Keith Lockhart. Please e-mail Keith with
specific research requests or if you have any other questions please e-mail Keith Lockhart. Website Design by Aaron Neal Design.