Jesse Bonsall
61 Acres & Bldgs, Ground Rent to Mary Moores
2 Horses, 4 Cattle
1 Servant
Josiah Bunting
120 Acres Land & Buildings
2 Horses, 6 Cattle, 14 Sheep
1 Servant
Samuel Bunting
100 Acres Land & Buildings
1 Horse, 5 Cattle, 5 Sheep
Sarah Bonsall
House & Lot
Andrew Boon
30 Acres Land & Buildings, 6 Acres of Marsh
3 Cattle
Andrew B. Taylor
124 Acres Land & Buildings, 16 Acres Marsh
2 Horses, 3 Cattle, 12 Sheep
Andrew Boon
20 Acres Land & Buildings, 3 Acres Marsh
1 Horse, 2 Cattle, 6 Sheep
Hance Boon
70 Acres Land & Buildings, 5 Acres Marsh
12 Horses, 2 Cattle, 3 Sheep
Israel Brooks
7 Acres Land & Buildings
1 Cow
Andrew Culin
68 Acres Land & Buildings
2 Horses, 3 Cattle, 5 Sheep
Philip Climes
9 Acres Land & Buildings
2 Horses
Elizabeth Coborn
House & Lot
2 Horses, 6 Cattle, 14 Sheep
Hance Conrad Tice
1 Cow
Benjamin Elliot
House & Lot
1 Cow
Joseph Fordham
House & Lot, 2 Acres Land
1 Horse, 1 Cow
Lawrence Fordham
22 Acres Land & Buildings
2 Horses, 2 Cattle, 6 Sheep
John Grover
37 Acres Land & Buildings
2 Horses, 2 Cattle
Isaac Grantham
House & Lot
1 Horse, 2 Cattle
John Hunt
86 Acres Land & Buildings
3 Horses, 8 Cattle
John Horne
70 Acres Land & Buildings
2 Horses, 6 Cattle
John Humphrey
7 Acres Land & Buildings
1 Horse,1 Cow
Tailor & Storekeeper
Daniel Humphrey
120 Acres Land & Buildings, 10 Acres Marsh
3 Horses, 8 Cattle
Henry Hayes
20 Acres & Bldgs, 70 Acres & Bldgs, 7 Acres Marsh
2 Horses, 3 Cattle
Jonathan Haycock
112 Acres Land & Buildings, 9 Acres Marsh
2 Horses, 3 Cattle
Abraham Homes
150 Acres Land & Buildings
3 Horses, 5 Cattle
Peter Hoos
5 Acres Land & Buildings
1 Horse, 2 Cattle
Isaac Lloyd
76 Acres Land & Buildings
1 Horse, 1 Cow
Grist Mill
Abel Lodge
150 Acres Land & Buildings
2 Horses, 6 Cattle, 6 Sheep
Robert Lucas
30 Acres Land & Buildings
2 Cattle
Alexander Morrow
12 Acres Land & Buildings
1 Horse, 2 Cattle
James McCleesh
100 Acres Land & Buildings
3 Horses, 6 Cattle
James Moore
A House
John McBride
A House
Aaron Oakford
A House
2 Horses, 4 Cattle
1 Servant
Fulling Mill
William Parker Esq.
142 Acres Land & Buildings, 27 Acres Marsh
4 Horses, 15 Cattle
Isaac Pearson Esq.
173 Acres Land & Buildings, 7 Acres Marsh
3 Horses, 4 Cattle
John Paschal
200 Acres Land & Buildings, Ground Rent
3 Horses, 6 Cattle
John Paschal Jr.
A Tenement
1 Horse, 1 Cow
Benjamin Paschal
A Tenement, 90 Acres Land & Buildings
1 Horse, 1 Cow
Henry Paschal
A Tenement
1 Horse, 2 Cattle
Joseph Pearson
20 Acres Land & Buildings, 8 Acres Marsh
2 Horses, 2 Cattle
John Pearson
18 Acres Land & Buildings
2 Horses, 5 Cattle
1 Servant
Sarah Pearson
House & Tavern, 4 Acres Land & Buildings
2 Cattle
John Palmer
130 Acres Land & Buildings
3 Horses, 4 Cattle, 10 Sheep
Philip Painter
179 Acres Land & Buildings
3 Horses, 7 Cattle, 7 Sheep
John Palmer Jr.
A House
2 Horses, 6 Cattle, 14 Sheep
Joseph Pawlin
A Tenement
Daniel ?
129 Acres Land & Buildings, 9 Marsh Land
2 Horses, 2 Cattle
Joseph Rudolph
13 Acres Land & Buildings & Improvements
2 Horses, 6 Cattle, 14 Sheep
Jacob Rudolph
A HouseAcres Land & Buildings
1 Horse, 2 Cattle
1 Servant
Ground Rent
Nicholas Randle
120 Acres Land & Buildings
3 Horses, 5 Cattle, 9 Sheep
John Richards
A House & Tavern
1 Horse, 2 Cattle
John Wright
10 Acres Land & Buildings, 50 Acres
1 Horse, 2 Cattle
Thomas Swayne
75 Acres Land & Buildings, 16 Acres Marsh
2 Horses, 4 Cattle
Jacob Serrill
39 Acres Land & Buildings
1 Horse, 2 Cattle
Jacob Sullender
A House
Jacob Webber
25 Acres Land & Buildings, 10 Acres Marsh
2 Horses, 3 Cattle
Robert Smith
11 Acres Land & Buildings
1 Cow
Andrew Urian
75 Acres Land & Buildings, 16 Acres Marsh
3 Horses, 5 Cattle, 12 Sheep
Rebecca Wood
A House
Ann Morris
A House
Thomas Collins
A House
Joseph Parker
20 Acres Land & Buildings
Samuel Ash
George Bell
William McCord
John Grimes
James Dobbins
Isaac Serrill
Jacob Tuston
Gasper Trites
Patrick Moody
Richard Humphrey
Israel Pawling
George Grover
George Swayne
John Wright
Samuel Powel
Martin Hildburn
George Davis
John Pawling
Jacob Rice
James McGilton
William White
William Andrews
John Burgess

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the artwork or content are permitted to be reproduced or used without the written permission of Keith Lockhart. Please e-mail Keith with
specific research requests or if you have any other questions please e-mail Keith Lockhart. Website Design by Aaron Neal Design.