Jones, Hannah
Died 2-26-1820 Age 28 8 Months 10 Days
Consort of Hugh Jones
Jones, Hugh
Died 8-21-1852 Age 67 7 Months 5 Days
Owens, Elizabeth
Died 1-12-1855 Age 51 4 Months 26 Days
Wife of Jonathan Owen
Owens, Hannah P
Born 12-31-1829 Died 1-12-1909
Owen, Jonathan
Died 10-28-1864 Age 63 2 Months
Palmer, Aaron
Died 11-1817 Age 53 9 Months
Palmer, Charles Jones
Died 7-24-1849 Age 4 11 Months
Son of Charles & Lydia Palmer
Palmer, Christianna
Born 4-16-1811 Died 5-6-1884
Wife of Christopher Palmer
Palmer, Christopher
Born 10-9-1809 Died 9-18-1869
Palmer, Eliza
Born 2-11-1794 Died 1-23-1864
Daughter Aaron & Lydia Palmer
Palmer, Elizabeth
Died 4-22-1855 Age 84 11 Months 1 Day
Wife of Moses H. Palmer
Palmer, Hannah
Born 10-15-1802 Died 12-15-1883
Wife ofJoseph Palmer
Palmer, Joseph
Son of John & Mary Palmer
Palmer, Lydia
Died 9-18-1837 Age 67 9 Months 5 Days
Consort of Aaron Palmer
Palmer, Margaret
Died 8-15-1849 Age ?9 5 Months 19 Days
Palmer, Moses H.
Died 10-31-1842 Age 80 2 Months 16 Days
Worrall, J. Levis
Born 3-12-1832 Died 4-29-1888
Worrall, Margaret
Born 10-20-1837 Died 4-1-1881

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