Crosley & Co.
Dry goods and groceries
David Crumley
Eagle Hotel
Lewis Daves
Flour and feed
Malin Edwards
Saw and grist mill
Milton Fussell
Dry goods and groceries
Daniel Gilbert
Merchant and grist mill
Eliza Kirk
Sorrel Horse Hotel
A. B. Leedom
Merchant, grist and saw mill
M. Leedom
Merchant, grist and saw mill
Thomas Reed
Dry goods and groceries
J. D. Sisler
Dry goods and groceries
Bartine Smith
Dry goods and groceries
William Y. Stackhouse
Black Bear Hotel
John Stanly
Merchant, grist and saw mill
John Wagner
Dry goods and groceries
Elwood J. Worrall
Merchant and grist mill
Morgan Wrighter
Corner's Hotel
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