Charles Cruikshank
40 Acres of Land
3 Horses, 5 Cattle
1 Servant
1 Carriage
Richard Willing
339 Acres, House & Lot
5 Horses, 11 Cattle
1 Carriage
Lewis Davis
155 Acres of Land
3 Horses, 7 Cattle
1 Carriage
Charles Humphreys
200 Acres of Land
5 Horses, 5 Cattle
2 Servants
William Lawrence
150 Acres of Land
3 Horses, 2 Cattle
David Llewelyn
100 Acres of Land
3 Horses, 4 Cattle
Thomas Ellis
66 Acres of Land
3 Horses, 3 Cattle
Alexander Leddin
111 Acres of Land
2 Horses, 6 Cattle
David & Jonathan Ellis
66 Acres of Land
2 Horses, 2 Cattle
Samuel Briggs
270 Acres of Land
2 Horses, 8 Cattle
John Gracey
150 Acres of Land
2 Horses, 5 Cattle
William Brooks
98 Acres of Land
4 Horses, 6 Cattle
Thomas Cornog
186 Acres of Land
2 Horses, 4 Cattle
Abraham Cornog
118 Acres of Land
3 Horses, 4 Cattle
Philip Shelay
250 Acres of Land
3 Horses, 7 Cattle
Mary Miller
150 Acres of Land
2 Horses, 2 Cattle
Jacob Berry
117 Acres & 140 Acres
3 Horses, 3 Cattle
2 1/2 oz Plate
Obidiah Wildey
117 Acres of Land
2 Horses, 2 Cattle
Claus Johnson
200 Acres of Land
3 Cattle
Griffith Davis
80 Acres of Land
1 Horse, 1 Cow
Jesse Ellis
103 Acres of Land
2 Horses, 1 Cow
John Lindsay
197 1/2 Acres of Land
5 Horses, 10 Cattle
Samuel Johnston
73 Acres of Land
2 Horses, 4 Cattle
1 Servant
Mary Hayworth
100 Acres of Land
2 Horses, 2 Cattle
George Hayworth
50 Acres of Land
2 Horses, 1 Cow
Elisha Worrall
2 Acres of Land
Grist & Saw Mills
Simon Strasbough
100 Acres of Land
3 Horses, 3 Cattle
Nicholas Pechin
75 Acres of Land
2 Horses, 1 Cow
Isaac Davis
150 Acres of Land
1 Horse, 3 Cattle
Hugh Quinn
160 Acres of Land
3 Horses, 8 Cattle
1 Servant
Abraham Hughs
1 Horse, 1 Cow
Martin Wise
100 Acres of Land
2 Horses, 3 Cattle
Jesse Davis
50 Acres of Land
2 Horses, 1 Cow
Jacob Pharly
170 Acres of Land
3 Horses, 3 Cattle
Jacob Wiser
84 Acres of Land
2 Horses, 2 Cattle
James Dougherty
110 Acres of Land
3 Horses, 3 Cattle
Christopher Peterman
150 Acres of Land
3 Horses, 4 Cattle
Edward Hughes
100 Acres of Land
1 Horse, 2 Cattle
John Barksman
195 Acres of Land
4 Horses, 6 Cattle
Hugh Travis
160 Acres of Land
2 Horses, 4 Cattle
Elizabeth Davis
74 Acres of Land
3 Horses, 2 Cattle
John Thomas
1 Horse, 3 Cattle
William Burns
20 Acres of Land
Hugh Fleming
1 Horse, 2 Cattle
Mary Lloyd
30 Acres of Land
1 Horse, 1 Cow
Anthony Lewis
100 Acres of Land
Hugh Jones
45 Acres of Land
William Davis
25 Acres of Land
Jacob Wiser
1 Horse, 1 Cow
Samuel McClure
1 Cow
Lewis Griffith
1 Cow
William Downey
1 Cow
William Ashley
1 Cow
William Hellerton
1 Cow
Richard Tippings
Jacob Prince
1 Horse, 1 Cow
John Davis
1 Horse, 1 Cow
William Briggs
1 Horse
Philip Suppen
1 Horse, 1 Cow
Jacob Johnson
1 Horse, 1 Cow
James Davis
Aron Johnston
1 Horse, 1 Cow
John Hayworth
James Davis
Duncan Johnston
Henry Pyle
James Gleaves
M. Hayworth
John Travis
John Cornog
John Hunter
Isaac Hughs

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specific research requests or if you have any other questions please e-mail Keith Lockhart. Website Design by Aaron Neal Design.