Six miles from Media and 100 miles from
Harrisburg. Nearest railroad station, Llanerch, on the P. W. & B. R.R,
3/4 mile distant. Banking town
Media. Population 400.
Postmaster S. H. Moore.
Charles A. Berttenmiller |
Wine and liquors |
Marshall Cloud |
Blacksmith, carriage, and wagon builder |
Eagle Hotel |
Fecunda Co. |
Fertilizers |
John Fleming |
Quarry |
C. W. Getz |
Fertilizer |
H. W. Getz |
Florist |
Mrs. M. E. Getz |
Dressmaker |
James Hannum |
Justice of the Peace |
William Harding |
Painter |
Howard Jones |
Constable |
Mrs. A. M. Kinsey |
Boarding |
William F. Lee |
Physician |
S. H. Moore |
General Store, Insurance, & Postmaster |
H. P. Tyson |
Painter |
Townships | Genelogical Resources | Pictures | Maps | Site Map | Links | Home
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the artwork or content are permitted to be reproduced or used without the written permission of Keith Lockhart. Please e-mail Keith with
specific research requests or if you have any other questions please e-mail Keith Lockhart. Website Design by Aaron Neal Design.