Newtown Square
On the P. W. & B. R.R. 5 1/2 miles from Media and 96 miles
from Harrisburg.
Banking town Media. Population 300.
Postmaster Preston S. Moore.
Edith Davis |
School |
E. N. Davis |
Lumber and coal |
William Fox |
Engineer |
Jennie Fritz |
Milliner |
Preston S. Moore |
General Store, Grocer & Postmaster |
George B. Morrow |
Blacksmith |
John Smith |
Carpenter |
Charles Summerill |
Roofer |
Edward Summerill |
Hotel |
John G. Thomas |
Physician |
Alfred Yarnall |
Carpenter |
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specific research requests or if you have any other questions please e-mail Keith Lockhart. Website Design by Aaron Neal Design.