John Booth
3 Horses & 4 Cattle
Robert Booth
130 Acres Land
2 Horses & 4 Cattle
Robert Booth Jr.
137 Acres Land
4 Horses & 3 Cattle
William Bouldin
160 Acres Land
2 Horses & 3 Cattle
Fredrick Mingle
4 Acres Land
Richard Clayton
100 Acres Land
William Eyre
162 Acres Land
3 Horses & 3 Cattle
William Cross
37 Acres Land
Isaac Ford
70 Acres Land
John Ford
117 Acres Land
3 Horses & 3 Cattle
John Foulk
289 Acres Land
6 Horses & 5 Cattle
William Foulk
50 Acres Land
4 Horses & 4 Cattle
William Gest
100Acres Land
2 Horses & 3 Cattle
Andrew Hunter
59 Acres Land
1 Horse & 1 Cow
Joseph Larkin
118 Acres Land
5 Horses & 4 Cattle
Isaac Larkin
17 Acres Land
3 Horses & 3 Cattle
John Larkin
160 Acres Land
1 Horse & 1 Cow
Joseph Lloyd
80 Acres Land
4 Horses & 3 Cattle
Matthew Carlin
4 Acres of Land
David McGorman
82 Acres Land
4 Horses & 3 Cattle
Issac Plye
164 Acres Land
3 Horses & 3 Cattle
Robert Pyle
17 Acres Land
Samuel Steal
1 Horse & 1 Cow
William Vernon
100 Acres Land
Joseph Marshall
50 Acres Land
Thomas Robinson
150 Acres Land
John O'Neal
50 Acres Land
Robert Hick Star
Joseph Pyle
Hue Quigley
Thomas Booth
Robert Steal
John Barlow
Alexandra Brown
Daniel Pyle
John Frame
John Flecher
Nancy Wigle Myr?
Pari Mya Brown?

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