Chester Heights Borough Links:
Chester Heights Boro Web Page
Chester Heights Camp Meeting Association
Friends of old St. Thomas Church

Atlas 1875

Census Records:
Coming Soon

Cemetery Records:

St Thomas Roman Catholic Burial Ground

Directory Records:
Camp Ground Directory 1897
Camp Ground Directory 1902

Tax Records:
Coming Soon

Newspaper Articles:

1 February 23, 1909 Chester Heights campground improvements

2 July 14, 1905 Chester Heights Camp in earlier days

3 July 31, 1905 Chester Heights Camp biggest day

4 July 8 1913 Chester Heights Camp cottage life

5 July 21, 1921 Chester Heights Camp 50th anniversary

Chester Hghts. Entrance to Campground c.1908 pc
Chester Hghts. Camp Sunday School Group c.1945 pcp

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