Upper Darby Twp.Links:
Upper Darby Twp. Web Site
Upper Darby Historical Society Web Page
Swedish Log Cabin

Save Sellers Hall


1848 Ash Map

Barnes Map of 1868
1870 Atlas
1875 Atlas
1882 Atlas of early Land Grants and Patents
1875 Map of Garrettford
1882 Map of part of Upper Darby Twp.
1882 Map of part of Upper Darby Twp.
1882 Map of part of Upper Darby Twp.
1882 Map of part of Upper Darby Twp.

Railroad Atlas 1889 map of part of Upper Darby

Railroad Atlas 1889 map of part of Upper Darby

Railroad Property Atlas 1889 Upper Darby Twp. and Clifton Hghts.

Railroad Property Atlas 1889 Part of Upper Darby Twp. Springfield Twp. and Clifton Hghts.

Railroad property Atlas 1889 Part of Upper Darby, Springfield Twps. and Clifton Hghts.

Upper Darby Map 1892
1902 Atlas part of Upper Darby Twp.

Part of Upper Darby Twp. 1909

Part of Upper Darby Twp. 1909

Part of Upper Darby Twp. 1909

Plate 1 Upper Darby, Lansdowne 1928

Plate 2 Yeadon, Lansdowne, E. Lansdowne, Upper Darby 1928

Plate 5 Yeadon, Darby Boro, Upper Darby 1928

Plate 6 Upper Darby, Lansdowne 1928

Plate 7 Upper Darby, Lansdowne 1928

Plate 8 Upper Darby, Millbourne 1928

Plate 9 Upper Darby 1928

Plate 10 Upper Darby 1928

Plate 11 Upper Darby 1928

Plate 12 Upper Darby 1928

Plate 13 Upper Darby, Springfield 1928

Plate 14 Upper Darby, Lansdowne, Clifton Hghts. 1928

Plate 15 Upper Darby 1928

Plate 16 Upper Darby 1928

Plate 18 Upper Darby, Aldan 1928

Plate 19 Upper Darby, Clifton Hghts. 1928

Plate 20 Upper Darby, Clifton Hgts. and Aldan 1928

Plate 23 Springfield, Upper Darby, 1928

Plate 24 Springfield, Upper Darby, Morton 1928

Plate 25 Springfield, Upper Darby 1928

Plate 43 Darby, Upper Darby, Aldan, Collingdale 1928

Plate 44 Ridley, Upper Darby 1928

Part of Upper Darby Twp. and Millbourne 1929

Part of Upper Darby, Springfield Twps and Clifton Hghts 1929

Part of Upper Darby Twp. 1929

Part of Upper Darby Twp. 1929

Part of Upper Darby Twp. 1929

Part of Upper Darby Twp. 1929

Part of Upper Darby Twp. 1929

Part of Haverford and Upper Darby Twps. 1929

Part of E. Lansdowne Lansdowne and Upper Darby 1929

Part of Upper Darby Twp. and Lansdowne Boro 1929

Part of Upper Darby Twp. and Aldan, Lansdowne and Clifton Hghts Boros 1929

Part of Upper Darby Twp. and Yeadon, Aldan and Collingdale Boros 1929

Upper Darby Pa. Franklin Map 1946

Upper Darby Township Misc. Sanborn Maps 1940's and 1950's

1948 Sanborn Maps with index


Census Records:
Upper Darby Twp. 1790 U.S. Census
Upper Darby Twp. 1800 U.S. Census

Upper Darby Twp. 1807 State Census

Upper Darby Twp. 1828 State Census

Cemetery Records:

New Jerusalem Cemetery

St. Charles RC Burial Ground

Southwest Friends Burial Ground


Directory Records:
Upper Darby Directory 1870
Upper Darby Directory 1872

Fernwood Business Directory 1889
Upper Darby Directory 1897
Adamsford Directory 1897
Addingham Directory 1897
Burmont Directory 1897
Cardington Directory 1897
Fernwood Directory 1897
Garrettford Directory 1897
Kellyville Directory 1897
Primos Directory 1897
Secane Directory 1897

Addingham Directory 1902

Burmont Directory 1902
Cardington Directory 1902
Fernwood Directory 1902
Garrettford Directory 1902
Kellyville Directory 1902
Primos Directory 1902
Secane Directory 1902
Upper Darby Directory 1902

Drexel Hill Directory 1916

Garrettford Directory 1916


Tax Records:

Upper & Lower Darby Rate 1718

Upper & Lower Darby Rate 1721

Upper & Lower Darby Rate 1724

Upper & Lower Darby Rate 1725

Upper & Lower Darby Rate 1727

Upper & Lower Darby Rate 1729

Upper & Lower Darby Rate 1730

Upper & Lower Darby Rate 1734

Upper & Lower Darby Rate 1735

Upper & Lower Darby Rate 1737

Upper Darby Rate 1738

Upper Darby Rate 1740
Upper Darby Rate 1748
Upper Darby Rate 1749

Upper and Lower Darby Rate 1751

Upper Darby Rate 1753
Upper Darby Rate 1754
Upper Darby Rate 1756
Upper Darby Rate 1758
Upper Darby Rate 1759
Upper Darby Rate 1760

Upper Darby Rate 1762

Upper Darby Rate 1763
Upper Darby Rate 1764
Upper Darby Rate 1765
Upper Darby Rate 1766
Upper Darby Rate 1767
Upper Darby Rate 1768
Upper Darby Rate 1769
Upper Darby Rate 1770
Upper Darby Rate 1771
Upper Darby Rate 1772
Upper Darby Rate 1773
Upper Darby Rate 1774
Upper Darby Rate 1775

Upper Darby Rate 1776

Upper Darby Rate 1778
Upper Darby Rate 1779
Upper Darby Rate 1780

Upper Darby Rate 1781
Upper Darby Rate 1782

Upper Darby Rate 1785

Upper Darby Rate 1786
Upper Darby Rate 1788

Upper Darby Rate 1789
Upper Darby Rate 1790
Upper Darby Rate 1791
Upper Darby Rate 1792
Upper Darby Rate 1793
Upper Darby Rate 1794

Upper Darby Rate 1802, 1803, 1804

Upper Darby Rate 1805, 1806, 1807

Upper Darby Rate 1808, 1809, 1810

Upper Darby Rate 1811, 1812, 1813

Upper Darby Rate 1814, 1814, 1815

Upper Darby Rate 1823, 1824, 1825

Upper Darby Township 1798 Window Tax


Township of Upper Darby Handbook 1942

A History of the Upper Darby School System

A Collection of Upper Darby Photos Donated by Tom DiFilippo
U. Darby Twp. 69th St. Blvd.c.1935 pc
U. Darby Twp. Delaware County Memorial Hospital c.1935 pc
U. Darby Twp. Entrance to Arlington Cemetery c.1912 pc
U. Darby Twp. High School c.1935 pc

Newspaper Articles:

April 13, 1887 New town of Fernwood

April 14, 1887 Fernwood Businesses

May 13, 1887 Fernwood builder, Rufus Hoopes

May 20, 1887 Garretford Village

May 19, 1887 Garretford Poultry Yard

1 March 10, 1894 Holy Cross Cemetery dedication

2 February 26, 1898 Upper Darby Fernwood Hotel burns

3 February 23, 1903 Upper Darby new suburb Observatory Hill

4 June 21, 1904 Upper Darby murder from 1824

5 February 13, 1905 Amos Bonsall artic expedition

6 November 17, 1905 Upper Darby Red Rose Inn

7 December 22, 1906 Upper Darby John Sellers Will

8 August 8, 1907 Arlington Cemetey takes Williams family plot

9 August 15, 1907 Upper Darby Millbourne building boom

10 March 20, 1914 Secane Highland Inn fire

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