Delaware County History

Chester City Links:

Chester City Official Web Page
Old Chester Pa. Web Site
Sun Ship Co. Historical Society

1870 Map of Chester
1875 Map of Chester City
1882 Atlas of early Land Grants and Patents
1875 Atlas Borough of South Chester

Chester Sanborn 1885 Index

Plate 2 Providence and Edgmont Aves

Plate 3 Edgmont Ave. and 10th St

Plate 4 Potter and 10th Sts.

Plate 5 Edgmont and 7th Aves

Plate 6 Upland and 7th Sts

Plate 7 Morton Ave. and 7th St

Plate 8 Crosby and 4th Sts

Plate 9 Edgmont Ave. and 4th St

Plate 10 Edgmont and 2nd St

Plate 11 Penn and 5th Sts

Plate 12 Concord Ave. and 2nd St

Plate 13 Front and Kerlin Sts

Plate 14 Parker and Front Sts

Plate 15 Front and Ulrich Sts

Plate 16 Broomall and 5th Sts

Plate 17 Front and Hayes Sts

Plate 18 Front St. Chester Oil Works

1892 Atlas Chester Wards 1 & 2
1892 Atlas Chester Wards 3, 4, 5 & 6
1892 Atlas Chester Wards 7 & 8
1892 Atlas Boro of South Chester

Street and Ward Map 1911 Atlas

Part of Chester City 1911

Part of Chester City 1911

Part of Chester City 1911

Part of Chester City 1911

Part of Chester City 1911

 Part of Chester City 1911

Part of Chester City 1911

Part of Chester City 1911

Chester Pa. Delaware River Harbor Line 1916

Plate 73 Chester City 1928

Plate 74 Chester City 1928

Plate 75 Chester City 1928

Plate 76 Chester City 1928

Plate 77 Chester City 1928

Plate 78 Chester City 1928

Plate 79 Chester City 1928

Plate 80 Chester City1928

Plate 81 Chester City 1928

Plate 82 Chester City 1928

Plate 83 Chester City 1928

Plate 84 Chester City 1928

Plate 85 Chester City 1928

Plate 86 Chester City 1928

Plate 87 Chester City 1928

Plate 88 Chester City 1928

Plate 89 Chester City 1928

Chester City Map from 1929

Chester City 1934 East end Wards 3 and 6

Chester City Center 9th St. 1934

Chester City East 9th St.and Morton Ave. 1934

Chester City Center north part Wards 7, 8 and 9 1934

Chester City Center Wards 7, 8 and 9 1934

Chester City North Chester Rural Cemetery 1934

Chester City Northwest part Wards 9, 10 and 11 1934

Chester City West End Wards 9,10 and 11 1934

Chester Sanborn Maps:


Census Records:
Chester 1790 U.S. Census

Cemetery Records:
Orthodox Friends Burial Ground
Hicksite Friends Burial Ground

Old Saint Pauls Episcopal Church

Saint Paul's Church Cemetery Records

St Michaels Cemetery

Chester Rural Cemetery


Directory Records:
Directory of Chester for 1859

Chester and Delaware Co Directory 1869-1870

Chester City Directory 1872-1873

Chester City Directory 1876-1877

Chester City Directory 1879-1880
Chester City Directory 1880-1881

Chester City Directory 1882-1883

Chester City Directory 1883-1884
Chester City Directory 1885-1886
Chester City Directory 1887-1888

South Chester Business Directory 1889

City of Chester 1889 Business Directory

Chester City Directory 1889-1890
Chester City Directory 1891-1892

Chester City Directory 1893-1894

Chester City Directory 1895-1896

Chester City Directory 1898-1899

Chester City Directory 1904-1905

Chester City Directory 1906-1907


Chester Booklets:

Chester Pennsylvania Its Industrial Progress

Chester Industry Wealth 1890

Old Market St. Chester

Chester Souvenir booklet 1903

The Chester Washington Knew Ashmead 1916

The Old Courthouse

Recollections of Chester from 1834 to 1850 by Darlington

Saving Chester's 1724 Courthouse 1924

Delaware County National Bank 125th Anniversary 1939

Chester1914 by Hyatt V. Smith

ChesterTimes 1926 50th Anniversary

Chester "Gateway to the Seas" 1910

Sun Ship and Robert Wetherill Building brochure c.1930

200th Anniversary Celebration of Old Chester Courthouse 1924

Sun Ship "Our Yard" magazine World War 2 Victory issue

Chester WW1 Victory Parade Booklet 1919

Chester Board of Trade Handbook 1907

Dedication of the Elks Building in Chester 1907

Penna. Military College Prospectus c.1925

95th Anniversary of the Felton Fire Co. 1977

300th Anniversary of the Finns in Chester and Monument dedication 1938

The Chester Times 75th Anniversay from 1951

Chester City and Twp. School sites 1936

The Chester Washington Knew by Henry G. Ashmead 1916

Chester Pa. Industries 1890


Tax Records:
Chester Rate 1748

Chester Rate 1753

Chester Rate 1764
Chester Rate 1765
Chester Rate 1767
Chester Rate 1768
Chester Rate 1770
Chester Rate 1772
Chester Rate 1774
Chester Rate 1778
Chester Rate 1779
Chester Rate 1780
Chester Rate 1791

Chester Rate 1796

Go to the Chester Township page for more early tax records

Chester Pa. A view of Ship Yard c.1925 pc
Chester Pa. Alfred O. Deshong Memorial Art Gallery c.1935 pc
Chester Pa. Alfred O. Deshong Memorial Park Mansion c.1935 pc
Chester Pa. Chester Free Library c.1925 pc
Chester Pa. Chester Hospital c.1912 pc
Chester Pa. Ford Motor Co. C.1930 pc
Chester Pa. Crozer Home and Hospital c.1910 pc

Chester Pa. Brandywine Boat at Pier c.1925 pc

Chester Pa. Crozer Theological Seminary aerial view c.1940 pc

Chester Pa. Crozer Theological Seminary c.1908 pc

Chester Pa. Moyamensing Firemen c.1930 courtesy of Mary Ann Fiebert

Newspaper Articles:

December 15, 1892 Chester Hospital opens

August 1, 1894 Chester Park annexation

June 1, 1895 Chester Old Market St.

February 6 1899 Chester new bank building ready

August 1, 1899 Chester Crozer Home for the Incurables

February 11, 1899 Chester South Chester merges with city

April 11, 1902 Chester St. Pauls graveyard

July 7, 1902 Chester to have new RR Station

July 17, 1903 Crozer Hospital opens

August 23 1904 Chester Seminary Civil War Hospital

April 18, 1905 Chester Deshong Art Collection

April 26, 1916 Chester Sun Ship organized

June 9, 1916 Chester Sun Ship Co. starts

April 2, 1915 Chester W. 9th St. homes

August 9 1913 Chester Hospital operation

December 23 1915 Chester 75 years ago

December 27 1915 Chester 75 years ago

February 5 1915 Chester covered bridge movie

February 12 1917 Chester Rotary Club started

February 13 1914 Chester Wetherill Homes

February 19 1898 Chester Oldest graves

February 21 1913 Chester John Cochran dies

February 22 1906 Chester Elks building dedicated

April 12 1919 Chester new city hall opens

June 25 1919 Chester 1724 Courthouse history

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